Kizansh Group launches its new product Beer & Whisky. Using their natural and selected grains for production.

That requires some ingredients to prepare for cereal grains usually (corn, rice, and barley) pure water, and a brewer. 

These raw materials can affect the taste, color, and combination of alcohol content and other subtitles in the beer. They mainly target their audience, the youthful and young spirit lovers. And they make the alcohol from natural grains including single malt.  

The production of spirits and their production methods follow the traditional methods of beer and whiskey culture. Distillery spirits are bottled and canned and are readily available in pubs and bars.

The brewing industry is a global enterprise consisting of several dominant companies, and the alcohol content of modern beer is usually only 4 to 6%. Water is the main component of beer, although the water itself is ideal, tasteless, or the content of dissolved minerals and beer tastes finished. 

Kizansh Group has partnered with LGBT-friendly that is open and welcoming to all people, places, policies or institutions. 

Their goal is to create an environment that supports, respects, and does not prejudge the LGBT community. 

Kizansh offers Captain Burg Beer in two different flavors Super Strong Beer & Lager Beer. Both productions are made in Goa and other cities in India and are packaged in bottles and cans and available in your nearest market as soon as possible. We focused on the consumer in India and per the demand of youth and crazy for you. 

Production capacity in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Punjab, and others will continue to expand, from 35 million liters to 56 million liters of beer. 

They have already started the production of one million tons in Uttar Pradesh, Dera Bassi, and other states. 


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